Friday, November 21, 2008

Wrestling, Rourke, and Springsteen

One of my favorite directors, Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem For A Dream, The Fountain) has got a new movie coming out (The Wrestler), and the trailer just hit the net. Mickey Rourke's performance as a down-and-out, washed-up wrestler is generating very strong critical buzz so far, and I'm always interested in whatever Aronofsky puts out there - even though his last movie, The Fountain, was a disappointment. Anyway, Mr. Springsteen has contributed the title track for the The Wrestler, which you can hear in the trailer above.

1 comment:

GGBlog said...

Mickey Rourke is amazing in this film, as is Marisa Tomei. I have posted some further thoughts here