Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Five

NANTUCKET: U2 has got a new remastered/expanded version of The Joshua Tree out, and Pete over at IckMusic is giving away a free copy of the deluxe edition (2 CD/DVD) to the winner of his U2 limerick contest here. Just don't make it better than mine!

FEATS: It’s Festivus season, so go here and pick yourself up a Festivus pole! (thanks, Pop Candy)

SHOT: The Smithsonian Magazine photo contest is underway, photogs – go show ‘em what you’ve got, and enter here

AXES: Blender salutes the “28 Most Recognizable Guitars” right here

JOEL: This interesting video has matched up the appropriate photographs to the historical events mentioned in Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire" - it's a good time-killer for a Friday

1 comment:

NOAAgirl said...

Oh. my. Gosh. I remember in eighth grade my social studies teacher was going to make us do a report on one of the thing mentioned in the song. I can't remember whether we ever did it or what I picked if I did, but I always thought it was a good idea.

There's about 20-30 images of things I don't know about. Time for wikipedia!