Thursday, August 02, 2007


GNR: Check out some clips of vintage live Guns N' Roses from back in the 80s right here

The Top 25 Best Movie Tearjerkers ever, so says

MOVIES: Here’s trailers for
Bourne Ultimatum and Hot Rod, which are both coming out this weekend…


NOAAgirl said...

As the foremost authority on the tearjerking ability of tearjerkers, I applaud the inclusion of Joy Luck Club (oh my God did I cry at that movie), Old Yeller, and Steel Magnolias.

Boo to Field of Dreams (are you kidding me?), Brokeback Mountain (ugh - not a quality movie IMHO), and It's a Wonderful life (snooze).

Where the heck are Beaches (absolutely classic tearjerker - for like the entire last half hour I cry), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (a thinking person's tearjerker), and Best Years of their Lives (again, I cry just hearing the soundtrack to that movie)?

A mediocre list at best - and Terms of Endearment (which I've actually never seen) is too obvious a top choice.

CC said...

Yes, where the heck is Beaches? That is by far the saddest movie I've ever seen!