Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Case of the Fridays

We’re in the midst of tourist season here in DC, so be kind and adopt a tourist. Or at least make sure they go hear some good local music. Anyway, we start with The Daybreak Line’s “Bleeding Hearts.” It’s one tight, hooky pop song, complete with little electronic flourishes for the kids. And I gotta love those electric guitar licks that kick things off. If you like what you hear, The Daybreak Line will be at IOTA Thursday, July 19.

MP3: Bleeding HeartsThe Daybreak Line

And we close out the week with a slice of bluegrass-influenced pop from Junior League (above). In the gentle “Euclid,” Lissy Rosemont’s ethereal vocals waft over a bed of fiddles, plucked banjos, and guitars. If you like what you hear, Junior League will be at IOTA Tuesday, July 17.

MP3: EuclidJunior League

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