Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Unsigned bands that have their music on MySpace may soon be able to convert their songs into ringtones using Cingular's Mobile Music Studio. And then the ringtones would be available for download by Cingular customers. The service is currently in its trial stages, and should be made available to the public later this spring. Pretty cool, eh?

thanks to John for the tip


NOAAgirl said...

NO! not cool at all.

I cannot tell you how annoying too loud, too "inventive' or "edgy", too "look at me I have a cool ring tone that you don't have so I'm better than you" ring tones are. Particularly on the train in the quiet car, hearing some strange sounds/music is jarring and clearly a desperate cry for attention. Enough with the ring tones - and cell phones in general.

I hate that my phone doesn't just have a normal "ring ring" ring tone.

Sorry for the angry rant... work is stressing me out.

jeffro said...

whah? but i thought you didn't do work at work?

NOAAgirl said...

Is it possible to be busy at work, engaged and active in meetings all day for a specific task and product, but not do any actual productive "work."

Because that's my life, and its stressing me out.

17 work days left before vacation (31 in all).