Sunday, February 26, 2006

The New Bunch

i've posted the new bunch of MP3s for March 2006 on the right --->


CC said...

Are you sure #1 isn't Def Leppard? ;)

CC said...

#3 reminds me of something I can't remember, as well as Greatest American Hero.

PS - the Five for Fighting Link isn't working

jeffro said...

yeah, i spent many a car ride listening session figuring out exactly where BS was singing. they really didn't need BS to sing it (serge or dave would have been fine), since you can barely make out the singer - but then they couldn't have said that "bruce sang on this record."

jeffro said...

i fixed that link, btw...

Lizzy said...

I freaking love James. "Say Something" is one of my absolute favorite songs. Gooooooood call!

jeffro said...

"Laid" is simply an amazing album - sadly, most people have only heard the title cut