Friday, May 14, 2004

Are You Not Entertained?

well, pete has been clamoring for an updated post, so what the public wants, it gets (as long i want it, too). here's my week in entertainment...

i saw patty griffin at the birchmere this past tuesday, and i was very much looking forward to it. did the show meet up to my own personal hype? no. was her voice as amazing as it sounds on her CDs? yes. did i approve of her setlist? no. will i keep alternating between yes and no questions? sucker. of course! anyway, she played mostly new material, while i'm more of a fan of her first two albums. and she kept the up-tempo stuff to a minimum without taking any quality time to rock out. but i was pleased to see that she sold out the place. they were definitely not there for the opening solo dude, who only garnered some lively applause upon his announcing, "this is my last song."

i really haven't been watching frasier the past five years, but i still felt compelled to watch the final closing of "tossed salad and scrambled eggs." yes, that's kelsey singing the tun. but the big show thursday was the season finale of ER! oh, bad. i pretty much watch it now just to continue my streak of seeing every episode. and i must admit i do enjoy complaining how "it's not as good as it used to be," and laughing at how poorly certain characters are written.

yeah, i was pretty cranky this week.

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